Proteccion of Personal and User Data

We hereby inform you that your data is being used by the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) which guarantees the necessary security measures and confidentiality according to the applicable data protection regulations.

The name and address of those responsible for the use of the data are:




NIF G65581621

The objective of the use of the data is to manage the full members, the volunteers and the friends of the ANC in order to be able to keep in touch, and send information about the organization’s upcoming activities of interest.

The legal framework on which the use of data is based is the free consent of the user, which can be revoked at any moment. The data will be conserved for as long as the consent is given.

The categories of data available about the users are those that the user will have facilitated to the ANC through forms as well as additional data that they may have offered directly, like their bank account number, birthdate, or postal address.

The data will only be accessible to the people or departments of the ANC that must have access to it in order to carry out their work activities.

The data will not be ceded to third parties, nor will it be transferred internationally.

The categories of people in question are any person associated with the ANC and who has communicated that they wish to be a full member, volunteer or friend of the association and thus continue to receive news about the ANC’s activities.

Every user has the right to ask the person in charge of data usage that their data be erased or corrected, that their use be limited, or to oppose their use, as well as the right that their data be available for use on other sites.

The user can present a claim to the control authority, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos).